Become an RC Pilot
TCWS offers flight training programs for beginners into the hobby. RC aircraft, whether electric powered, nitro or gas. We can get you into the air quickly with our experienced instructors:

Beginner Pilot
Our experienced instructors can get you flying in no time at all. We use a two radio "buddy cord" system to minimize crashes. This allows the novice to learn the feel of his aircraft and still have the security of an experienced pilot to assist in maintaining control.
- Be a member of the AMA.
- Be a member of TCWS/or a guest of a member of our Club.
- Pass a three take-off, three landing test prior to solo flight.
- Follow the Safety Rules of the AMA and Tri-County Wing Snappers, Inc

Experienced Pilots
Our flying field is located near Cabela's in Hamburg, PA. Our field is a full size grass runway owned and used by The Blue Mountain Academy. We have a portable toilet, work shop shed, and open pavillion with picnic tables. We have start-up tables and 5 pilot stations.
- Be a member of the AMA.
- Be a member in good standing in our Club.
- Follow the Safety Rules of the AMA and Tri-County Wing Snappers, Inc.